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Is cholesterol screening being done as recommended?

Study identifies substantial over- and underuse of lipid testing.
Study identifies substantial over- and underuse of lipid testing Cholesterol levels have long been associated with heart disease. And cholesterol tests (known in the medical world……

Sometimes ‘less care’ feels like ‘better care’

Mother and Group Health Research Institute project manager Casey Luce sees first-hand how research improved her daughter’s health care.
Mother and Group Health Research Institute project manager Casey Luce sees first-hand how research improved her daughter’s health care. When I received the phone call that my eigh……

Measuring what matters: U.S. health care's vital signs

Blood pressure, pulse, and temperature measure a body's functions. Dr. Eric Larson writes about how to measure the functions of the U.S. health care system.
Blood pressure, pulse, and temperature measure a body's functions. Dr. Eric Larson writes about how to measure the functions of the U.S. health care system. by Eric B. Larson, MD,……

News release: Study to explore combining DNA information and e-health records

Dr. Larson will lead NIH-funded grant to better understand genomic basis of disease and give patients tailored care.
Dr. Larson will lead NIH-funded grant to better understand genomic basis of disease and give patients tailored care Group Health Research Institute (GHRI) and the University of Wa……

A new lowdown on high blood pressure?

Recent results seem to support dramatically reducing blood pressure, says Dr. Bev Green, and might finally unify hypertension guidelines.
Recent results seem to support dramatically reducing blood pressure, says Dr. Bev Green, and might finally unify hypertension guidelines. By Beverly Green, MD, MPH, associate inve……

For mammography, radiologists do better without computer help

Based on a new BCSC study, Dr. Diana Buist tells of technology that adds cost to breast cancer screening—without improving outcomes. Dr. Marc Mora comments.
Based on a new BCSC study, Dr. Diana Buist tells of technology that adds cost to breast cancer screening—without improving outcomes. Dr. Marc Mora comments. By Diana S.M. Buist, P……