Recognition July 2016

Drs. Buist, Parchman, and Penfold take the stage at AcademyHealth annual meeting

In June, three Group Health Research Institute (GHRI) researchers presented at the annual research meeting of AcademyHealth in Boston. AcademyHealth is a national nonprofit organization that works to advance health policy and services research. Senior Investigator and Director of the MacColl Center for Health Care Innovation Michael L. Parchman, MD, MPH, spoke on career development pathways on implementation science. Associate Investigator Rob Penfold, PhD, gave a talk on statistical methods for space-time surveillance. Senior Investigator and Director of Research and Strategic Partnership Diana S.M. Buist, PhD, MPH, presented on increasing provider engagement in de-implementing low-value care.

Dr. Dublin invited to talk about pregnancy research at NICHD

In May, GHRI Associate Investigator Sascha Dublin, MD, PhD, gave an invited talk at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development/Health Systems Partnerships conference, “New Approaches to Advancing Maternal, Child and Rehabilitation Research.” Dr. Dublin, a Group Health physician, spoke about using health care systems data, such as from the Health Care Systems Research Network Virtual Data Warehouse (VDW), to conduct important research on pregnancy outcomes. 

Dr. Palazzo tells international audience about Group Health innovations

In June, GHRI Research Associate Lorella Palazzo, PhD, gave a presentation at the 2016 International Health Conference in Kings College, London. Dr. Palazzo presented in the Health Policy and Systems session on “Creating and Sustaining Healthcare.” She used the example of Group Health as a learning health care system in her talk about the Group Health Foundation Partnership for Innovation program.

Tyler Ross now leads GHRI research IT

Tyler Ross, MA, is now GHRI Director of Research IT. Mr. Ross, who has been at GHRI since 2005, was previously GHRI Manager of Data Warehousing & Analysis. He has directed data governance for the Health Care Systems Research Network VDW and represented GHRI on the Group Health Business Intelligence Steering Committee and at Data Governance meetings. Mr. Ross transitioned to the position in June, when previous director Virginia Immanuel retired.