
Our Publications

KPWHRI publicly shares its research findings in peer-reviewed journals.

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Wyner Z, Dublin S, Chambers C, Deval S, Herzig-Marx C, Rao S, Rauch A, Reynolds J, Brown JS, Martin D. The FDA MyStudies app: a reusable platform for distributed clinical trials and real-world evidence studies. JAMIA Open. 2020 Dec 11;3(4):500-505. doi: 10.1093/jamiaopen/ooaa061. eCollection 2020 Dec. PubMed

Xi W, Banerjee S, Penfold RB, Simon GE, Alexopoulos GS, Pathak J. Healthcare utilization among patients with psychiatric hospitalization admitted through the emergency department (ED): a claims-based study. Gen Hosp Psychiatry. 2020 Oct 7;67:92-99. doi: 10.1016/j.genhosppsych.2020.10.001. PubMed

Yaghootkar H, Zhang Y, Spracklen CN, Karaderi T, Huang LO, Bradfield J, Schurmann C, Fine RS, Preuss MH, Kutalik Z, Wittemans LB, Lu Y, Metz S, Willems SM, Li-Gao R, Grarup N, Wang S, Molnos S, Sandoval-Zárate AA, Nalls MA, Lange LA, Haesser J, Guo X, Lyytikäinen LP, Feitosa MF, Sitlani CM, Venturini C, Mahajan A, Kacprowski T, Wang CA, Chasman DI, Amin N, Broer L, Robertson N, Young KL, Allison M, Auer PL, Blüher M, Borja JB, Bork-Jensen J, Carrasquilla GD, Christofidou P, Demirkan A, Doege CA, Garcia ME, Graff M, Guo K, Hakonarson H, Hong J, Ida Chen YD, Jackson R, Jakupovic H, Jousilahti P, Justice AE, Kähönen M, Kizer JR, Kriebel J, LeDuc CA, Li J, Lind L, Luan J, Mackey D, Mangino M, Männistö S, Martin Carli JF, Medina-Gomez C, Mook-Kanamori DO, Morris AP, de Mutsert R, Nauck M, Nedeljkovic I, Pennell CE, Pradhan AD, Psaty BM, Raitakari OT, Scott RA, Skaaby T, Strauch K, Taylor KD, Teumer A, Uitterlinden AG, Wu Y, Yao J, Walker M, North KE, Kovacs P, Ikram MA, van Duijn CM, Ridker PM, Lye S, Homuth G, Ingelsson E, Spector TD, McKnight B, Province MA, Lehtimäki T, Adair LS, Rotter JI, Reiner AP, Wilson JG, Harris TB, Ripatti S, Grallert H, Meigs JB, Salomaa V, Hansen T, Willems van Dijk K, Wareham NJ, Grant SF, Langenberg C, Frayling TM, Lindgren CM, Mohlke KL, Leibel RL, Loos RJ, Kilpeläinen TO. Genetic studies of leptin concentrations implicate leptin in the regulation of early adiposity. Diabetes. 2020 Sep 11;db200070. doi: 10.2337/db20-0070. Online ahead of print. PubMed

Yang SW, Kernic MA, Mueller BA, Simon GE, Chan KCG, Vander Stoep A. Association of Parental Mental Illness With Child Injury Occurrence, Hospitalization, and Death During Early Childhood.  JAMA Pediatr. 2020 Jun 22:e201749. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.1749 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed

Yarborough BJH, Stumbo SP, Ahmedani B, Rossom R, Coleman K, Boggs JM, Simon GE. Suicide behavior following PHQ-9 screening among individuals with substance use disorders. J Addict Med. 2020 Jul 10. doi: 10.1097/ADM.0000000000000696. [Epub ahead of print]. PubMed


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