Health is about more than health care. Where people live can have a profound influence on daily choices that can promote population health — or harm it. Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (KPWHRI) scientists work to improve and sustain community conditions that support health and equity.
At KPWHRI’s Center for Community Health and Evaluation (CCHE) we are working with foundations, nonprofit organizations, and government agencies to evaluate their community health improvement initiatives. A few examples:
CCHE serves as the evaluation partner for Kaiser Permanente Washington’s (KPWA) Community Health and Benefit program, providing evaluation and strategic support for a wide range of regional initiatives, including built environment improvements in the community, school-based health centers, and healthy eating/active living programming for teachers. Beyond CCHE, other KPWHRI researchers are exploring opportunities to improve population health by creating healthier communities. Among these efforts are:
Answering questions about what makes a healthy environment gives policymakers, urban planners, and others the information they need to create healthier communities in the future.
Hsu C, Liss DT, Frosch DL, Westbrook EO, Arterburn D. Exploring provider reactions to decision aid distribution and shared decision making: lessons from two specialties. Med Decis Making. 2017;37(1):113-126. Epub 2016 Oct 6. PubMed
Hartzler AL, Weis B, Cahill C, Pratt W, Park A, McDonald D. Design and usability of interactive user profiles for online health communities. Transactions On Computer Human Interaction (TOCHI).2016; 23(3): Article 15. doi:10.1145/290371 PubMed
Johnson D, Bush M, Brandzel S, Wernli KJ. The patient voice in research; evolution of a role. Res Involvement and Engagement.2016;2:6. PubMed
Perla ME, Rue T, Cheadle A, Krieger J, Karr CJ. Biomarkers of insecticide exposure and asthma in children: a national health and nutrition examination survey (NHANES) 1999-2008 analysis. Arch Environ Occup Health. 2015;70(6):309-22. doi: 10.1080/19338244.2014.910490. PubMed
Buist DS, Chang E, Handley M, Pardee R, Gundersen G, Cheadle A, Reid RJ. Primary care clinicians' perspectives on reducing low-value care in an integrated delivery system. Perm J. 2016 Winter;20(1):41-6. doi: 10.7812/TPP/15-086. Epub 2015 Nov 2. PubMed
![]() Allen Cheadle, PhDSenior Investigator, KPWHRI; Senior Research Associate, CCHE |
![]() Clarissa Hsu, PhDAssociate Investigator |
![]() Dori E. Rosenberg, PhD, MPHSenior Investigator |
![]() Maricela Cruz, PhDAssistant Biostatistics Investigator |
![]() Nicole M. Gatto, PhD, MPHPrincipal Collaborative Scientist |
![]() Meagan C. Brown, PhD, MPHAssistant Investigator |
![]() Kimberly Arthur, MPHCollaborative Scientist |
David Grembowski, PhD
Professor, Health Services and Oral Health Sciences
University of Washington