SONNET is a national network of applied researchers who help design, evaluate, and implement effective social health interventions to improve member health across Kaiser Permanente. SONNET's work is made possible with funding from KP's National Office of Community Health.

Meet the hearts and minds behind SONNET

We are a learning network of researchers and evaluators who are committed to helping Kaiser Permanente leaders, administrators, and clinicians design, evaluate, and implement interventions that address the social needs of our members.

SONNET supports KP's social health initiatives at both the regional and national levels. We contribute expertise in the measurement of social needs and intervention outcomes, health plan staff and community engagement, intervention design, program evaluation, and advanced analytics. Our Evaluation and Research Committee (ERC) moves this work forward, with the support of our Coordinating Center and our executive sponsors.

Evaluation and Research Committee

The Evaluation and Research Committee (ERC) is responsible for guiding the overall strategic direction and activities of the Network. Our ERC includes representation from across all 8 Kaiser Permanente regions, and each ERC member is leading a SONNET-related project in their home institution.

Meet the ERC

Coordinating Center

SONNET's Coordinating Center is housed at Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute in Seattle. Coordinating Center staff are responsible for achieving the goals laid out by the ERC by operationalizing our efforts to connect, consult, and communicate on social health initiatives across KP.

Meet our staff

Executive Sponsors

SONNET's executive sponsors serve in an advisory capacity to ensure the network's scope and direction continually meet the needs of KP members and leadership. They also promote SONNET's purpose and capabilities among executive leaders and others within and outside KP to help identify opportunities for collaboration.

Meet our executive sponsors


Recent SONNET reports

Kaiser Permanente 2022 National Social Health Survey

In this follow up to our 2020 survey, we heard from more than 6,300 members nationwide about their social needs
and desire for assistance from Kaiser Permanente. Project lead: Meagan Brown, PhD, MPH.

Contact SONNET

Email us at to learn more about our work or request a consultation.