Tyler Ross, MA

Tyler Ross

“KPWHRI is improving people’s health, strengthening communities, and contributing to a better future. I’m inspired and humbled to work for such a mission-driven organization.”

Tyler Ross, MA

Director of Data Programming and IT
Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute


Tyler Ross has 20 years of experience in health care research data programming, analytics, and IT administration. His work began as a research data programmer and analyst in multiples schools at the University of Washington, including Family Medicine, Dentistry, Economics, and Health Services Research. In 2005 he joined Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute (then known as Group Health Research Institute), working on a breadth of studies with a focus in clinical system evaluations, such as the patient-centered medical home and the learning health systems.

Previously, Mr. Ross led the Health Care Systems Research Network’s Virtual Data Warehouse (VDW) governance body. This precursor to the FDA Sentinel Common Data Model and PCORnet data model paved the way for major multi-institutional health care research, safety, and surveillance collaborations present today.

In his current role, he leads research data programming, administrative application development, data warehousing, and IT operations. These teams participate directly in our science and indirectly through operational and administrative technical support.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in economics from Whitman College and a Master of Arts in economics from the University of Washington with concentrations in health economics and econometrics.




A deep dive into KPWHRI’s Virtual Data Warehouse

Experts in health data discuss a widely used data model — its origin, organization, and current applications.