
July – August 2024

Lock to Live_Doctor and Patient_1col.jpgUnderstanding adoption of Lock to Live, a decision aid supporting suicide prevention

KPWHRI research finds ways to increase use of a firearm safety tool.

Moving to Health_1col.jpgNeighborhood density connected to changes in body mass index for children

Study uses geographic data to track change over time.


EYE_ACT_1col.jpgAlzheimer’s vision study improved with home testing

Researchers are studying the correlation between retinal changes and development of dementia.


social-support-EHR-494323047_Getty_RF_HiRes_1col.jpgIdentifying patients in need of social support services

A new predictive model helps connect adults with multiple chronic health conditions to community services.


KPWHRI in the media

JAMA-Podcast_Dr Greg Simon_1col.jpgTreating depression in adults

Gregory Simon, MD, MPH, discussed depression treatment on the JAMA Clinical Reviews podcast, focusing on his recent review paper looking at treatment approaches.

New Grants

David Arterburn_overweight_1col.jpgFilling evidence gaps on obesity treatment

Several new grants will fund research on the effectiveness, safety, and equitable use of anti-obesity medications.


HPV testing story_1col.jpgIncreasing access to cervical cancer screening in low-resource health care settings

New study builds on findings that home tests improve screening rates.






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