
The Clare Project

What matters most to young adults who have advanced cancer?

Thinking about building a family while receiving cancer care can be really hard. We want to hear about your experience.

The Clare Project is a research study to learn more about how young adults with cancer make choices about whether and how to have a family. The project is named after a beloved family member, Clare, who faced making choices about building a family while she had advanced cancer.

We are looking for young adults, aged 18 or older, who were diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 15–39 years, and are willing to do a one-time phone interview. We also want to talk to clinicians who care for young adults who were diagnosed with cancer between the ages of 15–39 years.

By sharing your experience with us, you will help us understand what matters most to young adults with cancer when making decisions about building a family. It is important that we hear first-hand from real people who have had to make decisions about cancer care and have thought about whether and how to have a family.

What does the interview involve?

  • The interview will ask questions about your experience with cancer care and fertility preservation or other forms of family building.
  • If you are a clinician, the interview will ask about your experience helping young adults with cancer make decisions about fertility preservation or other forms of family building.
  • It will last about an hour.
  • The interview will be recorded and written down, but will not include your full name.
  • The interview is voluntary.
  • You will receive $50 as a thank you for your time.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to join this study.

How do I volunteer or find out more?

If you want to be part of this study or learn more about it, please review our study information sheet. Email the Clare Project if you want to join the study or if you have questions. We hope to hear from you soon.

Who is leading this study?

The Clare Project is led by a small team of researchers at Kaiser Permanente Washington Health Research Institute. We have each been personally touched by watching a family member with advanced cancer struggle to make choices about their medical care. Our long-term goal is to do a series of studies that help improve cancer care—and ensure that it is in line with what patients most need and want.